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  • 花楹 花楹

    绿皮书配音搞怪吗英文怎么说" (Is the dubbing of Green Book supposed to be funny? How do you say it in English?)

    Dubbing can add a layer of humor to a film when done intentionally, but in the case of Green Book, the intention was not for the dubbing to be funny. The film tackles serious topics such as racism and discrimination, and its main goal is to shed light on these issues. The dubbing in Green Book is meant to ensure that the story is accessible to a wider audience, especially in non-English speaking countries. The aim is to accurately convey the emotions and messages portrayed by the actors, allowing viewers to fully immerse themselves in the story.

    Q: Is the dubbing in Green Book intended to make the audience laugh?

    A: No, the dubbing in Green Book is not intended to be funny.

    Q: What is the purpose of dubbing in Green Book?

    A: The purpose of dubbing in Green Book is to make the film accessible to a wider audience.

    Q: Why is dubbing important in non-English speaking countries?

    A: Dubbing is important in non-English speaking countries as it allows viewers to understand and connect with the film without the need for subtitles.

    Q: Does the dubbing in Green Book detract from the seriousness of the film's themes?

    A: No, the dubbing in Green Book does not detract from the seriousness of the film's themes. It is carefully done to ensure the emotions and messages are accurately conveyed.

    Q: How do you say "Green Book配音搞怪吗" in English?

    A: "Is the dubbing of Green Book supposed to be funny?"



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