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咕咕 提问者:咕咕 166 116 分享
  • 死神爱吃红苹果 死神爱吃红苹果

    Who replaced Gero's voice actor in the English version?

    In the English version, Gero's voice actor was replaced by Richard Newman.

    Question: Why was Gero's voice actor changed in the English version?

    Answer: The change in voice actor for Gero in the English version could be due to various reasons. It could be because the previous voice actor was not available or unable to continue the role, or it could be a decision made by the production team to bring a fresh interpretation to the character.

    Q: How has the change in voice actor affected the character of Gero?

    A: The change in voice actor might have resulted in a different portrayal of Gero. Each voice actor brings their unique style and interpretation to a character, so the new voice actor's performance may have altered the way Gero is perceived by the audience. It is important to note that the change in voice actor does not necessarily diminish the character's impact, as long as the new actor does a good job in capturing Gero's essence.

    Q: How have fans reacted to the change in voice actor for Gero?

    A: Fan reactions to the change in voice actor for Gero in the English version have been mixed. Some fans have embraced the new voice actor and appreciated the fresh perspective, while others have expressed nostalgia for the previous voice actor. Ultimately, fan opinions on voice actor changes can vary greatly, as personal preferences play a significant role in how a character is perceived and accepted.

    Q: Will the change in voice actor affect the overall enjoyment of the English version for fans?

    A: The change in voice actor may impact the enjoyment of the English version for some fans, especially those who were particularly attached to the previous voice actor's portrayal of Gero. However, it is important to remember that voice actors come and go in the entertainment industry, and it is a natural part of the creative process. Fans who appreciate the character and the story as a whole may still find enjoyment in the English version, despite the change in voice actor.



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